Open Orchestra

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On the occasion of the “Schaffhauser Kulturtage”, the Musik-Collegium Schaffhausen invites everyone who plays an orchestral instrument to participate in the “Offenes Orchester”: For musicians who either play regularly in the orchestra or want to resume playing after a longer break and are looking for a “chance to play along”.
We will play works by E. Elgar, E. Grieg, G. Mahler and J.S. Bach, among others. We will first work out the pieces musically, practice them together and then “perform” them at the end.

More information will follow, sheet music will be available for download at the beginning of May at

Orchester ad hoc
Mitglieder des Kammerorchesters des Musik-Collegiums Schaffhausen
Annedore Neufeld, musical direction